Tuesday, November 29, 2011

True Thankfulness and Blessings...

Well, yesterday I wrote about my Thanksgiving adventure.  However, I left out one key part.  As we were walking to dinner on Thanksgiving evening last week, as we were about to cross the street, a gentlemen who appeared to be homeless, walked by us and with genuine warmth in his voice, a smile on his lips and pep in his step, wished us a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.  The lady next to me who was very well dressed, turned to me and said, "He is so thankful, and yet he has nothing."...  It hit me at that moment that, I, who have so much, am rarely if ever thankful enough for what I have been blessed with.  So, today I wanted to take a moment to reflect upon what I am thankful for.  Too often we breeze through life assuming that things are guaranteed and that bad stuff can never or will never happen to us.  It is a shame that we only have one day a year dedicated to the sole purpose of being thankful for our blessings. I hope to be more thankful and appreciative throughout the year.

I am thankful for my amazing family, my wonderful friends, my faith that guides me, my health, my sweet four-legged family members, the organizations that I am involved in and the good they allow me to do, all the things and events that didn't turn out the way I had hoped because they have led me to where I am now, our military who continue to stand between us and harm, my job, laughter, laffy taffy jokes, and the fact that I still get a kick out of silly putty and paddle balls... I can go on and on, but you get the drift.  Too often I forget to stop and just say a quick prayer of thanks, or to "pay-it-forward" and help someone who needs it.  Not trying to sound "preachy", but I hope that I can be more like that gentlemen I met briefly in Charleston.  He had nothing that I could see, yet his joy at Thanksgiving far exceeded mine.  Humbling, isn't it?

Have a great day!

Until We Meet Again.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving and the Gobble Wobble...

Well, since I am a few days behind in posting I will now get to my Thanksgiving adventure!  Why a Thanksgiving adventure you ask?  Well, because just a Thanksgiving story would be trite and I wouldn't have anything to talk about! haha!

Ok, so I got up at the crack of dawn (not really...more like 5 AM) and I was on the road to Charleston, SC.  After several hours of singing along to Christmas music, and enjoying my red bull and peanut butter M&M's I rolled into Charleston. I was pretty proud of myself that I navigated my way to the hotel without directions or an address (not that I'm bragging at all... would I ever do that! haha).  Anyway, upon arrival we went to S.N.O.B. (Slightly North of Broad) for lunch and it was yummy (as always!).  After lunch we browsed the marketplace and local stores.  We found some *amazing* candied apples - see below for a pic and purchased some praline pecans... yum! Soon, I found myself in a food coma.  I'm not going to lie, it was amazing!  I woke up completely refreshed and ready to go... EAT MORE FOOD! haha...

Anyway, we wanted a low-key dinner so we went to a place called the Griffon (voted the best fish & chips in Charleston for a few years in a row) which was just down the road from the hotel.  It was excellent.  I'm sorry, there is just nothing better than fish and chips, a cold pint of beer and family.  We had a wonderful dinner and then headed back to the hotel.

The next morning I ran in the Gobble Wobble 5K.  A couple of things on this... a 5K was the shortest run I've done in quite some time... it was a mental change for me to only run 3 miles and not 15+.  Moreover, nobody paid attention to the directions and the also "unspoken" rules of running... I will do a post on that later...  Anyway, it was a pretty little run.  We started at Marion Square, ran up Meeting Street until we reached the Battery and then proceeded along the Battery until King Street and finished up King until we reached Marion Square again.  After meeting back up with the family, we proceeded back to the hotel, cleaned up and walked to lunch at Blossom... YUM!  We proceeded to spend the rest of the day relaxing and hanging around Charleston.  Early Friday morning we headed on out since we all had things to do back in Tennessee.  I hope everyone else's Thanksgiving was as happy as mine was.  God Bless.

Until We Meet Again,

The most amazing candy apples.  Ever. 

The Griffon, a hole-in-the-wall pub in the historic district of Charleston.  Great place to go for fish and chips and a cold pint!

Me after the Gobble Wobble 5K!

Operation One Voice SOF Run - Day 5 - Mission Completed

The last day of our run dawned with beautiful weather!  We had such amazing weather this year's run, sunshine, warm weather, perfect weather almost!

As we all got our stuff together and met up in the lobby for our last run as a group into Busch Gardens we all were hugging, exchanging contact information, etc.  As we formed up to run in, it hit us like it does every year... this year's run was over.  It is always a little bittersweet those last few miles into Busch Gardens.  Each year we make amazing friends, renew old friendships and it is always sad to have to say "goodbye" until next year.  Especially for some of my friends, their job is to stand between danger and us, so it is always sad for me to say goodbye knowing the danger that they willingly go into.

When we arrived in Busch Gardens, Laird with Eagle Rock gave a short, heartfelt speech.  Then, General Clark stood up to give his speech.  However, he did something unusual, he folded his speech and gave a heartfelt speech as well.  I saw many people openly touched by what he had to say, I know I was.

After the speeches, we formed up for a last photo op and then we all dispersed.  A group of us went back to the hotel to change and we headed back to the park for a few rides!  For all of the years that I have run into Busch Gardens, I had never ridden any of the rides... Well that changed!  We had a fun group that rode several of the rides before I had to do the 100 meter dash to the airport to make my flight!   Thanks to my awesome ride for getting me there!

As always, this run shows the SOF community that their sacrifices and their dedication are not forgotten and are appreciated.  It also helps to educate people about what the SOF community does and why we help.  I am honored each year to be asked to run and each year I walk away with a renewed sense of purpose, dedication and pride.  Purpose to guide my path.  Dedication to Operation One Voice and the families and children that it helps.  Pride in our Nation and in those who put themselves in harm's way so that we can continue to live a life of freedom.  God Bless America.

If you are interested in learning more about Operation One Voice, click here.

Until we meet again,
Running our last run as a team into Busch Gardens!

Operation One Voice Special Operations Forces Run 7 - Mission Complete

Operation One Voice SOF Run - Day 4 - Tampa, MacDill AFB, Yuengling & the Tiki Hut

Happy cyber Monday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  This post is picture heavy, so be forewarned!

Thursday ( 11/10) dawned and it was a beautiful, sunny day!  We all hopped on the bus and rode into Tampa and we formed up near MacDill AFB.  It was the first time since we began our trek on 11/7 that we had formed up as an entire team (Day Team and Night Team).  It was great to see everyone again and to catch up!  We formed up and then ran onto Base.  Every year, this is one of the most amazing experiences.  When we arrived at the SOF Memorial we found our seats and the ceremony began.  I personally was seated behind a gentleman who had had a significant portion of his body burned.  In fact, his guest was holding an umbrella over him as I daresay the sunlight was not healthy for his burns.  The head of the SOF Veterans group came to the podium, started the ceremony, and asked all who were able to stand for the National Anthem.  Many of the guests at this event were seriously wounded, for many walking was a task that seemed too difficult, but, I tell you this... every SINGLE person there stood for the National Anthem.  All of the injured military then saluted as the National Anthem was played.  Even thinking about this now, many weeks after seeing it makes me emotional.  Please remember the next time someone plays the National Anthem, men and women who have given their time and their body for this Nation still fight today to be able to stand when asked to honor it. 

After the National Anthem and the prayer, General Clark gave a very moving speech regarding Veteran's Day.  These men and women (and their families) have given and dedicated so much for our continuing freedom.  Please remember to thank a Veteran when you see one, trust me, the power of a simple thank you is amazingly profound.  After a moving ceremony we then went for a team picture and a presentation for Bill and Laird.  The team at USSOCOM had created this caricature of the OOV team running.  It was truly amazing...  Bill and Laird were very moved and touched by it.

We then headed to the hotel to change and then head to the Yuengling Brewery for a social!  We were able to walk over from our hotel (convenient, yes?).  When we arrived, as they had before, the folks at Yuengling had gone all out for us!  We were able to enjoy all the varieties of their beer, enjoy each other's company, and have some great food!  Next, we celebrated the birthday of the Marine Corps with all the Marines present.  For me as an outsider, that is always humbling.  After enjoying some cake and some more time as a team, we had a tour of the brewery (pretty cool, not going to lie!) and then we headed back to the hotel and the Tiki Hut!  For those of you who haven't read my posts from last year, the Tiki Hut is the customary event on the night of 11/10 for us every year.  We gather as a group, share stories of the run, of family, of whatever is important to us.  We toast those we have lost from the year past and we remember the reason that we run.  For us, this evening is just as important as the miles logged.  This evening is our chance to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice as a group.  We honor them all week individually, but doing it as a group is different.  After we honor and remember, we then enjoy the fellowship of our fellow runners.  This year, we were all quite exhausted after the run, so I think by 10:30 we were all out for the count!  I will try to post this afternoon about Day 5!  See below for pics of Day 4!  God Bless our Military for the freedoms they continue to fight for!

Until We Meet Again.

The Team at SOCOM after the run.

Marines at Yuengling celebrating their birthday!  Oorah!
Tiki Hut!  Yes, we make T-Shirts!  You don't make a T-shirt to go to your bar? 

Me and my friend Gavin!  He just loves pics... wait, come to think of it, most of the guys aren't big on having their picture taken... apparently they are too nice to tell me no.

Tiki Hut!

Night Team - Tiki Hut!

Sgt. Daniels.  He and the other police officers drove to Florida at 6 MPH and kept us safe, so THANK YOU STEVE!!!

Laird and I at the Tiki Hut!  Laird is the Gentle Giant of the group! 

Ben and Keith from Eagle Rock!  They have one of the hardest jobs, driving the bus from Atlanta to Tampa!  Thanks guys!

Me & Joe Kap!  We started running the OOV run the same year (2007) and have been friends since.  Great guy and awesome Ranger!

Me & Matt at the Tiki Hut!  He and the other police officers drove to Florida at 6 MPH and kept us safe, so THANK YOU MATT!!!

Me and Fields at the Tiki Hut!  Poor guy got stuck carrying the Guide On every time we did a PR run... great sport and awesome runner though!

Me and Tom at the Tiki Hut!  This guy was a running MACHINE! 

Joe Kap, me, Copeland, Steve and Randy Kap at the Tiki Hut!  Fun guys!

Poor Lil T was kidnapped and strapped to the fan!  Where he will end up next is anyone's guess.

The group at the Tiki Hut... every year I try for a group pic and am told no... one year... :-)

Tiki Hut

Monday, November 21, 2011

Operation One Voice SOF Run - Day 3 - Tallahassee to Chiefland

Well, Day 3 (11/9) dawned and again, we were blessed with a beautiful day! Not only were we given a beautiful day, we had time to have breakfast... a real breakfast, not just a snack bar or a beer (what, that isn't breakfast food? kidding...sort of).  Anyway, it was quite nice that we got to sit down, as a team, enjoy food, laughs and each other's company before we formed up to run to the Florida Capitol.

We were joined by our fellow Operation One Voice Member and former team-member Mike Terhune (can't wait until he joins us again next year!).  We had an amazing escort of police (thanks Gavin & Jordan) and fire (thanks Mike & Bob).  We met up in a parking lot a bit away from the Capitol and had a chance to stretch and kill some time... Well, you know me...  Last year, Mike arranged for me to be able to slide down the firepole at the station... this year, they let me push the button to turn on the lights and siren (I know, they also let first graders do that, but to me it was a BIG deal).  And then... I was allowed to climb up into the basket... um, yes, if you are asking yourself "How awesome was that?" the answer is *AWESOME!!!!* (the pic is below).  My year was totally made!  Way to go TFD.

We then ran into the Florida Capitol which is apparently known for being a unique shape...don't ask...  anyway, members of the team were asked for interviews, which were gladly given and then we all hopped on the Budweiser / Eagle Rock 1 Bus and headed to Walmart, because what else are you going to do when you are riding on a Budweiser bus with Special Operations Forces?  My thoughts exactly... thus we all went inside, utilized the facilities (Thank you Walmart!) and got the stuff for the shrimp boil that night (OOV tradition!).  Of course, being the planners that we are... we sort of forgot about the time and then realized that we had to be up the road... in a hurry!  This happens every year and every year we are shocked by it!  Anyway, the plan was to do a group run with selected persons for a bit... well, we realized that we also needed someone to drive the minivan while Bill, Laird, Tom, Steve, Chris and Joe were running... thus, I rode with JR, Matt and Steve D. in the Duluth PD truck!  I'm not going to lie, while we were driving (aka hurrying) down the road, we had a karaoke dance party in the Police truck... if that is a sentence you never thought you would hear, trust me that is one I never thought I would say!  But we had a blast singing, laughing and just goofing off!

Thus, we all had our chance to run that day (the heat by then had started taking a toll).  After running, we started congregating at the hotel we were to spend the night at.  Laird, Keith and Ben started firing up the pan and we started cutting bread, having some beers, gossiping and having a good old time.  The shrimp went in with some garlic, olive oil, butter and lemon juice!  Were they delicious!  Thank you Laird, Keith & Ben!  Well, we were all enjoying some (several) beers, some Jack Daniels, and some shrimp when someone started doing the math (don't you hate when that happens?).  Well, we had one runner out on the road and we were about 30 minutes away from him stopping and we were out of "fresh legs on the ground"... thus I volunteered myself (in retrospect, not my smartest decision) to run again for a bit... If ever you are wondering what the wonder food of running is, I can't tell you that, but I can tell you what it is not... beer (lots of it), shrimp and whiskey.  Thus, I hitched a ride out to Randy who was running and the police truck, told them my *brilliant plan*, they laughed, asked if I was kidding (at this point I'm still thinking it was a good idea), and I stretched and started running... Well, according to my Garmin watch I did another 13.5 miles that night on beer, shrimp and whiskey.  While it didn't feel very good, I had great support from Steve D. & Matt B. in the Police truck!  They kept me hydrated and pumped up with some awesome tunes!  It was also really nice to just "Forrest Gump" it...outside... at night and have time to really reflect on why we were running.

When my run was finished I headed back to the hotel, found my room, showered and rested up for the next day!  Stay tuned for Day 4 - MacDill AFB, Happy Birthday Marine Corps, Yuengling Brewery, and Tiki Hut!

Until We Meet Again,

Our amazing support team in Tallahassee!  Thanks, guys!

Yes... that is me... in a Fire Engine Basket.... who's excited oh that would be me!!!
Group Run - Tom, Bill, Chris, Steve, Joe and Laird
Group Run
More running... it was at the gas station that we were chilling at that we saw ridiculous amounts of camo... I saw a 2 month old in camo... seriously, a 2 month old? Come on now...

Laird and his "spill proof cup"... don't ask...

Laird & Keith hard at work... I think that is a jar of garlic... we had no worries about vampires that night!

When Laird said the magic words, "Chow's ready!"... hey, we had been running all week!
Beer, shrimp and friends... some new friends, some old friends, but at the end of the day, friends.  What could be better?
Second Helping?  Don't mind if I do! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Operation One Voice SOF Run - Day 2 - Columbus to Tallahassee

Well, Day 2 (11/8) dawned and what a beautiful day!  We awoke to absolutely amazing weather!  This was such a blessing versus the years before where it has been quite chilly.  Anyway, at the crack of dawn, we were loading the bus with all of our gear (because apparently, none of us can pack light!) and zipping on down the road to Albany.  Every year we have the honor of running into Albany with Marines from the local base.  Every year they come out, run with us, spend time with us and we get a chance to have some great fellowship with them.

This year was no different, we all met up in the parking lot to form up, use the facilities, etc.  Apparently yours truly is known as a chatterbox and one of the guys got a bit worried that I wasn't overly talkative Tuesday morning (I wasn't feeling 100%), and when they went to the nearest store to get some supplies, he was kind enough to get me an US Weekly!  Thus, he and the other guys were subjected to all the latest celebrity gossip during the trip!

Anyway, we formed up with the Marines and ran a short jog through Albany (3 miles) and then had a very touching ceremony at a local park.  Lt. Stevens spoke as did Kimberly Kap.  We then had the chance to break and eat some burgers (because as you all know, eating is what we do!!!).  Anyway, at that point it was getting close to our shift to take over for the "Night Crawlers" (as they called themselves), so we loaded up and headed on down the road to get some more miles in!  Because I apparently like to know what is going on, and because Lt. Stevens was out running, yours truly became the planning person on Tuesday!  I ended up getting to drive the rental mini-van.  A side note on the mini-van, all of us climbed in the first day shaking our heads at having to ride/drive a mini-van... for guys used to driving Bradley Assault Vehicles, I daresay a mini-van is a bit of a downgrade... but after a week, we were believers.  This vehicle was plush, automatically opening doors, rear view camera, all the high end stuff... we all walked away with a new-found appreciation for mini-vans.  Anyway, I ended up being the driver for a lot of Tuesday... which, honestly, I didn't mind.  By driving, I had the opportunity to talk with many of the gentlemen doing the run, get to know them and their "story".  In our downtime from not transporting runners to the next stop, we played cornhole on the side of the road!

Did I mention that Tuesday was toasty?  If I didn't, let me start by saying it was starting to get a wee bit warm!  The poor guys who ran during the day got some of the worst heat along with exaust fumes, but like the SOF they are, they just kept running (insert Forrest Gump quotes at will!).  Anyway, before we knew it, we had all run and were finished early... not like 10 minutes early, but almost 3.5 hours early!  So, what is a team to do if they finish early?  Go get a nice dinner and beverages!!!  Thus, we found a Chili's outside of Tallahassee, got some food, enjoyed some beverages (it was 2 for 1 after all!) and spent time joking around and having fun!  We got into Tallahassee a bit past midnight, spent some more time hanging out, talking, enjoying beers and eventually made our way to our rooms to catch a few hours of sleep before starting again!

For those of you who are wondering if we do anything other than eat, drink, run and sleep during the run, yes, we do.  We have a ton of fun hanging out on the side of the road, running together in the cold, running together in the heat, playing cornhole while cars fly by, riding the Budweiser bus, cramming in a short nap when we get the chance, remembering those who are no longer with us, and being thankful that we have made it back for another year.  The run is for a serious cause, and we are serious when we need to be, but when we have the chance, we are laughing and enjoying each other's company.   Pics of Day 2 are below.  Next I will describe Day 3, Tallahassee to Chiefland!  Stay tuned!

Until We Meet Again,
Good morning, Columbus!  The "Day Team" on our way to Albany to run!  Don't we look peppy in the morning?

In Albany at the ceremony.  Local school children had raised money to donate to Operation One Voice!  Great kids!
The trailer behind the Duluth Police Department Truck.  This banner helped change the angry honks and birds being thrown that we had received in the past to this year people came by, still honked, but rolled down their windows, cheered us on and yelled "God Bless America".

Two of our runners making great time!  The police vehicles are in order from front to back... Local Sherrif, Tallahassee PD (Thanks to Jordan, Mike and Gavin for being there the whole trip!) and Duluth PD (Thanks to Steve and Matt!  You all kept us safe, sound and entertained during the run!)

More running!

You thought I was kidding about the cornhole didn't you?  Yep, cornhole, beers and gas station food, the ingredients for an AWESOME run!

The Day team enjoying a celebratory meal and beverages!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Operation One Voice SOF Run - Day 1 - Duluth to Columbus

Well, Monday (11/7) morning dawned to a pretty day!  Unlike last year, the temperature this year was above 40 which was definitely a blessing as I am not really good at cold weather.  Anyway, I got all my stuff reloaded into my bags (because I apparently cannot pack light) and took them down to load on the bus.  At the bus I ran into several old friends and made several new ones!  We loaded up and headed to downtown Duluth to form up and begin our 560 mile trek to Tampa!

As we formed up, the group sang happy birthday to Bill (his birthday always falls on Day 1 of the run!).  Although our intention was good, we might not be destined to be on American Idol or any singing competition.  Anyway, we started at the Duluth War Memorial and started our trek!  After we did the first of many PR (Public Relations) runs we (day team) got into the Eagle Rock (Budweiser) bus and headed to hang out at Eagle Rock Distributors for a bit while the night team did the running.  We hung around the warehouse, threw a football, ate some sandwiches and had an otherwise excellent time!  Before you knew it, it was time to head downtown to run into the Capitol. 

After forming up downtown, running through the city and then being greeted by the head of the Georgia State Patrol (Marine) we (the Day Team) took over the running and the night team headed to bunk up in Columbus, GA.

Thus, the day team started running toward Pine Mountain, Georgia and Lagrange!  Those of us who weren't the first ones up stayed on the bus and hung out, had a few beverages (after all, we were on the Budweiser bus!) and joked around.  My turn to run was at 8 PM.  I had the opportunity to run with my friend, J.R. (Air Force PAO, and all around great guy!).  Thus, we started our run and before long we were chatting, running, avoiding dogs and otherwise trying not to cause mayhem!  Our run ended too soon it felt like, but our friends Tom and Steve ran after us... um... those cats are fast!!!  Anyway, after they ran, our friends the Kaps (Joe - Army Ranger and his wife Kim - all around awesome lady and Joe's brother Randy - soon-to-be-Marine) ran as a family!  I've known Joe since he started running with OOV (2007).  We both had our inaugural year together.  He is an Army Ranger who also happens to be an amputee.  But, to see that young man run is altogether AMAZING!  He is a machine and a pretty cool guy as well!

Anyway, after we ran, it was time for several necessities... food... beverages... more beverages... and did I mention more beverages?  After all was said and done, we rolled into Columbus around 1:30 or so in the morning!  We got our key cards and like lightning, we were off!  It had been a long day and we had to be back on the bus no later than 6:30 AM and we still had shirts to wash and showers to take and e-mails to answer...  All part of a busy day on the OOV-SOF run!  Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 2-Albany to Tallahassee.  Pics are below!

Until we meet again,
Our Shirt!
Getting ready to run!  Forming up for the first PR Run!

Our First Run as a Team along flag lined streets!

Playing Football at the Eagle Rock Distributors!
Hanging around at Eagle Rock Distributors
Running in Downtown Atlanta!

Being addressed by the head of the Georgia State Patrol

The price of our freedom


Team Kap running!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Operation One Voice SOF Run - Pre-Run

Good morning!  First, let me apologize for not updating my blog (as planned) during the Operation One Voice Run last week.  I tried several times to update it, and I had major connection issues to blogspot... each time I entered the text and hit "publish" it just wouldn't publish.  So, I apologize.  I did, however, take notes so these posts will have not only the text of what happened but photos as well.  Thus, the next few entries will be fairly long.

Well, to start, I had headed to Atlanta a few days early to spend some time with my friends Beth & Brad.  We had a BLAST!  Beth and I went shopping (well, mostly looking) but had a great time nonetheless!  Then, we went to a benefit for the Shepherd Center in Atlanta at the Ritz Carlton in Buckhead.  After the soiree we met up with several of my friends from Atlanta and proceeded to catch up! 

The next day, Beth drove me up to Duluth to drop me off at the hotel to start the run!  What fantastic timing we have!  Literally as we drove up, several of the other runners had just walked in the door!  Could we have timed it any better?  Well, I got to see several old friends and meet some new friends while we were getting briefed and receiving our running shirts and hats.  Well, wouldn't you know it, while we were standing there chatting, the other out-of-town runners arrived at that time as well!  Seriously, you would have thought we planned it!  Anyway, we all caught up and decided to meet back up for dinner a bit early so we could all get a good night's rest... good idea in theory!

When we met back up in the lobby, we all had a beer at the bar, watched some Sunday night football and headed to the Tavern to eat.  As we ate dinner, caught up and got to know the new team members, it hit us that tomorrow at 06:30 we would muster up to begin our 7'th Annual OOV - SOF Run.  For many of us, this was not our first year, so we knew what we were getting into... early early mornings, late late nights, very little sleep, lots of miles, many PR runs, interviews and questions galore, but most of all, a week of honoring our American heroes. 

Gavin, Jordan, Casie, Dawn, me and Michael at dinner Sunday night!  Getting ready to run our legs off the next week!

The back of our shirt!  As you all know, red and black are two of my favorite colors, so I was super happy with this year's shirt!!!
Until we meet again,