Monday, November 28, 2011

Operation One Voice SOF Run - Day 5 - Mission Completed

The last day of our run dawned with beautiful weather!  We had such amazing weather this year's run, sunshine, warm weather, perfect weather almost!

As we all got our stuff together and met up in the lobby for our last run as a group into Busch Gardens we all were hugging, exchanging contact information, etc.  As we formed up to run in, it hit us like it does every year... this year's run was over.  It is always a little bittersweet those last few miles into Busch Gardens.  Each year we make amazing friends, renew old friendships and it is always sad to have to say "goodbye" until next year.  Especially for some of my friends, their job is to stand between danger and us, so it is always sad for me to say goodbye knowing the danger that they willingly go into.

When we arrived in Busch Gardens, Laird with Eagle Rock gave a short, heartfelt speech.  Then, General Clark stood up to give his speech.  However, he did something unusual, he folded his speech and gave a heartfelt speech as well.  I saw many people openly touched by what he had to say, I know I was.

After the speeches, we formed up for a last photo op and then we all dispersed.  A group of us went back to the hotel to change and we headed back to the park for a few rides!  For all of the years that I have run into Busch Gardens, I had never ridden any of the rides... Well that changed!  We had a fun group that rode several of the rides before I had to do the 100 meter dash to the airport to make my flight!   Thanks to my awesome ride for getting me there!

As always, this run shows the SOF community that their sacrifices and their dedication are not forgotten and are appreciated.  It also helps to educate people about what the SOF community does and why we help.  I am honored each year to be asked to run and each year I walk away with a renewed sense of purpose, dedication and pride.  Purpose to guide my path.  Dedication to Operation One Voice and the families and children that it helps.  Pride in our Nation and in those who put themselves in harm's way so that we can continue to live a life of freedom.  God Bless America.

If you are interested in learning more about Operation One Voice, click here.

Until we meet again,
Running our last run as a team into Busch Gardens!

Operation One Voice Special Operations Forces Run 7 - Mission Complete

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