Monday, August 1, 2011

When did compromise become a bad thing?

So, last night when I was reading the news, I saw that a tentative debt deal had been reached.  However, all the politicians were hemming and hawing about the vote due to the fact that they did not agree with it fully.  Now, I am sorry, but if we as your "everyday" citizen have to compromise (and when do we not?), why can't our lawmakers set aside their extremist policies and for once do what is best for the nation and not one specific group.

I know that this deal is most definitely not something that I agree with completely, especially the cuts that will be affecting the military, but I also acknowledge that we must compromise.  Both sides have given and taken, we need to realize that this is in the best interest of the country.  We are past the age of "large government", however, it is time to stop saying it and start acting on it. 

This morning, I contacted my Senators and Representatives and asked them to support this legislation.  I know that this is a bitter pill for many to swallow, but isn't that what being a leader is about?  You sometimes have to do what is best for your constituency and not what is best for yourself or your re-election campaign.  I hope that other Senators and Representatives, both Republican and Democrat can see through the partisanship and realize that we the people need them to be leaders and not politicians. 

Maybe in the coming weeks, we will once again remember that our country was founded on the belief of working together instead of against each other and perhaps, just perhaps, the words compromise and moderate will no longer be the "4-letter" words that Washington abhors.  After all, "We the People..." refers to more than just one group of people.


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