The other day, I was reading an article regarding the 2012 London Olympics and their preparations and I became so excited about next August that I had to contain myself from shouting for joy. To explain, I am a complete and total sucker for anything remotely related to the Olympics. I watch with fascination and rapt attention the voting and campaigning process every time. I get swept up in all the stories of the Olympians. I wear outdated Olympic paraphernalia (at home and in public... surprisingly not many of my friends like to be seen in public with me during this time). I get little to no sleep during the two weeks of the Olympics because I am up watching every sport possible (yes, those two people who actually watched curling... I was one of them, the other being a mother of one of the team members!). I get emotional during the opening and closing ceremonies. I know, I know, I am one of *those* people that NBC and advertisers LOVE because I even enjoy the commercials during the Olympics. I become completely addicted to the television, newspaper and the internet to gain every morsel of news related to the Olympics, the Olympians and their stories!
I remember the blind archer who lit the torch in Lillehammer, I was humbled watching Ali light the torch, I remember the *Miracle of 1980* Men's Olympic Hockey team lighting the torch, I cried like a baby when Kerri Strug landed her vault on an injured ankle, I remember standing and cheering watching Nancy Kerrigan take the ice after the attack. These are just a few of the moments that make the Olympics great. One of my favorite things of every Olympics is watching the Opening Ceremony. For so many of these athletes that is their defining Olympic Moment, being able to walk into the Olympic stadium, wave their flag and say proudly for generations to come "I am an Olympian". How amazing is that? I enjoy watching all the athletes march in, proudly, boldly, excitedly for the Opening ceremony with their country, but then at the Closing ceremony, coming in all mixed together and joyous! It is awe-inspiring to see the future of the world standing shoulder-to-shoulder regardless of background, ethnicity, or language. I get chills every time the IOC Commissioner announces at the closing "I call upon the youth of the world to assemble in four years time in-". Is there a greater moment in sports?
Anyway, I have already started my countdown to London 2012! And to my friends, yes, I will be wearing my Olympic paraphernalia throughout these Olympics also!
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