Friday, July 15, 2011

The end of an era...

Well, I have managed to drag myself into work today after seeing the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2!  I cannot believe that the final film has been released.  I remember the first time I read each of the books and the first time I saw each of the movies.  I know some will say it is trivial and some will contend that it is just a story, but to me and to many others, it is an escape to a world where everything is not black and white, but there are definite shades of gray.  Where each person tries to do their best and do what they think is right, even if it is not the "right" thing to do in the end.  I believe whether you like the stories or not, there is a definite lesson that can be taken from these movies.  Doing the right thing is not always easy, nor will doing the right thing guarantee you friends, many times the path to doing the right thing is solitary and misunderstood.

On a lighter note, the movie was FANTASTIC!  The special effects were mesmerizing, the acting was deliciously on-point and each of the actors became their character.  It has been truly awesome experiencing these movies and watching these characters that I had known and liked from the books come to life and grow into who they were meant to be.  I know many will laugh at my sentimental attachment to these films, but, what can I say, I am just a "muggle" looking for a little bit of magic.  To any other HP fans, "Mischief Managed".


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