Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Did you know...

"The dog represents all that is best in man." ~ Etienne Charlet

"The Cat. He walked by himself, and all places were alike to him." ~ Rudyard Kipling

So, I didn't realize until yesterday that April is National Pet Month.  I am the proud family of two pets, Beauregard (Beau) a soon-to-be 16-year-old cat and Sadie a 3-year-old dog.  Since I was raised in a house that always had animals, I do not think I can even comprehend living without an animal companion.  

Beau was an only pet for 7 years before I got Sadie last year and their interactions have been not only entertaining to watch, but educational to experience.  The sheer age difference has created some interesting issues along with their completely polar temperaments.  Sadie is a "people" dog; in fact, I have never met a dog or any animal for that matter so fascinated with people.  She will ignore food, toys, everything to be with people, especially if she can sit on their lap and lick their faces!  Beau, alternately, has been referred to as the "Devil Cat"(obviously not by me!).  He is actually a very sweet and lovable animal, however, he is very much a one-person cat.  Therefore, he tends to be a little cantankerous when others are around, but would we expect any less from a cat.  Additionally, he is about to be 112 in human years as a cat, so I hope we all bear in mind that he has earned a little time to be cranky!

Anyway, I could discuss my four-legged family members all day, however, I will spare you!  However, I think we should all celebrate what pets give to us daily during National Pet Month!  I think Sadie might just get an extra walk and Beau might just get a little bit of catnip (i.e. kitty crack!).  


Monday, April 11, 2011


Today has been a good day!  I cannot go into too many details right now, but something that I had been hoping for is starting to change from a possibility to a reality and I am quite excited!  Don't worry, more details later!

I think today my quote will be:

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
- Thomas A Edison


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring has sprung...

Well, it is official; it feels like Spring is FINALLY here.  Yesterday temperatures were up into the 70's.  How wonderful it is to have this warm weather back?  I love actually being able to run outside without needing my long sleeves!  

Speaking of running, one of my dearest friends, Emily, has decided to train for a 5K.  Who's excited?  Oh, yes, that would be me!  Therefore, we are going to start running together a few days a week.  This is something new for her, so I am looking forward to helping her with it if I can.  I am not a great runner, but I love to share the joy of running with others.

The run she is training for is the Netherland Inn's Don't Rock the Boat 5K in June, which I am coordinating and planning.  It has been crazy trying to get all the permissions / approvals / etc. to make this run a reality.  The bottleneck is a certain road that we would have to close for 15 minutes.  This road is one of the busiest in Kingsport.  Hopefully we can make this happen.   

Anyway, with all the rain last night I am off to build my ark so that I can float down the river that is outside of my office today!